Government of Canada Web Archive

The Government of Canada Web Archive provides access to Canadian web content collected and preserved by Library and Archives Canada.

Browse collections


This collection provides access to websites related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, captured between February 2020 and the present. These resources document the response to the crisis from public health agencies, governments, charities and other groups, and the impact of the pandemic on life in Canada.

Government of Canada

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has been collecting and preserving Government of Canada information published on the web since 2005. This collection provides access to LAC’s full archive of Government of Canada web resources, totalling over 35 terabytes of data, captured between 2005 and the present.

Federal Royal Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry

Federal-level Commissions investigate and report on “any matter connected with the good government of Canada or the conduct of any part of the public business thereof.” While not binding, a Commission’s findings are highly influential. The final reports of Commissions are therefore among the most important publications produced in Canada and have highlighted and documented matters of importance to society since pre-Confederation.

Truth and Reconciliation

Library and Archives Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Web Archive provides access to digital preservation copies of the websites of organizations connected with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, either as active partners at national events or through initiatives to support commemoration. The collection was curated in collaboration with the University of Winnipeg Library, the University of Manitoba Libraries, and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.